Mexican Wolf News

Feds Again Delay Release of Wolf Pack in Arizona

SILVER CITY, N.M.— The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today again delayed releasing a pack of eight wolves — badly needed to bolster the dwindling number of Mexican gray wolves in the Southwest — into the Arizona wild. The Engineer Springs pack would infuse new genetics into a wolf population suffering from inbreeding.

Mexican Gray Wolves Due Place in NM Wilderness

Maggie Howell, managing director of the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem, NY, tells her story of the plight of Mexican wolves:  "If not for some heartless criminals, they could have survived and contributed to the recovery of their species."

Lobos Need Your Help!

Please urge your members of Congress to sign a letter with their colleagues asking that the Fish and Wildlife Service take immediate action to save Mexican gray wolves!

Obituary: Paul Sneed

Paul Sneed, a true champion for Nature, died on Aug. 26, 2010 after suffering from esophageal cancer for two years. He was 64.

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