In the News: Judge’s ruling could mean Mexican wolves allowed to roam north of Flagstaff
Arizona Daily Sun - April 4, 2018
In the News: Big Win for ‘El Lobo’
Enviro News - April 4, 2018
In the News: Judge: Government’s Wolf Recovery Plan Insufficient
Courthouse News Service - April 3, 2018
In the News: Court orders US wildlife managers to revisit wolf rule
AZ Daily Sun - April 3, 2018
In the News: Twenty years later, Mexican wolf program frustrates all sides
Santa Fe New Mexican - March 28, 2018
In the News: Feds to collaborate with Arizona, New Mexico on Mexican wolf recovery
Arizona Daily Star - March 15, 2018
In the News: NM, feds reach agreement on wolf releases
Albuquerque Journal - March 15, 2018
In the News: 2 Mexican wolves found dead in Arizona
AZ Central - March 16, 2018
In the news: Montana company gets $73M contract for border fence work near Santa Teresa
Las Cruces Sun-News - February 28, 2018
In the News: Wild wolf population stalled at 114
Payson Roundup - February 27, 2018
In the News: Can Mexican gray wolves coexist with people, cattle? Ranchers, conservationists test the idea
AZ Central - February 26, 2018
In the News: Mexican wolf numbers increase by 1
E & E News - February 22, 2018
In the News: Endangered Mexican gray wolf population remained flat in new count
Arizona Central - February 22, 2018 - Your letters are needed!
In the News: Mexican Wolf Population Barely Holding Even in United States
Courthouse News Service - February 22, 2018
In the News: Mexican gray wolf population grows by 1 animal, survey says
Seattle Times - February 21, 2018 - Your letters are needed!
In the News: Mexican gray wolves count raises fears of inbreeding
Santa Fe New Mexican - February 21, 2018 - Your letters are needed!
The Wolf and the Wall
Myles B. Traphagen, Wildlands Network
In the News: Standoff Over Mexican Gray Wolf Continues in Southwestern U.S.
PBS Nature Now - February 6, 2018
In the News: Wolf advocates file lawsuit against federal plan
Silver City Daily Press - February 5, 2018
In the News: Wolf recovery plan challenged in court by advocacy groups
Ruidoso News - January 31, 2018
In the News: Conservationists sue Trump administration over rare Mexican wolf
Reuters - January 30, 2018
In the News: Wildlife Orgs Sue Trump Admin for Failing to Protect ‘El Lobo,’ the Mexican Wolf
EnviroNews - January 30, 2018
In the News: Environmentalists Challenge Wolf Recovery Plan
Courthouse News - January 30, 2018
In the News: Flake pens bill to limit Mexican wolves, delist them from federal program
Grand Canyon News - January 16, 2018 - Your letters are needed!
In the News: Endangered Mexican Gray Wolf Found Dead in Arizona
U.S. News & World Report - January 17, 2018
In the News: 100 wolves enough? Jeff Flake wants to remove federal protections for Mexican gray wolves
AZ Central - January 8, 2018 - Your letters are needed!
In the News: Sen. Jeff Flake seeks end to Mexican gray wolf protections
Arizona Daily Star & Others - January 8, 2018 - Your letters are needed!
In the News: Governments in CO/UT/NM/AZ Deliberately Derailed Mexican Wolf Recovery, Documents Reveal
EnviroNews Colorado - December 20, 2017
Initial Release & Translocation Proposal for 2018
USFWS accepting comments through December 29, 2017
In the News: Game Commission approves wolf plan releases
Albuquerque Journal, Maddy Hayden - December 21, 2017
In the News: 2018 Plan for Mexican Wolves Calls for Fostering of Pups
U.S. News & World Report - December 5, 2017
In the News: Cross-fostering focus of 2018 wolf release plan
Albuquerque Journal - December 5, 2017
In the News: Mexican wolf plan favors release of captive pups
Arizona Daily Sun - December 6, 2017
In the News: Fish and Wildlife Service plan calls for release of 12 newborn wolf pups
Santa Fe New Mexican, December 4, 2017 — Show your support for Mexican wolves with a letter to the Editor
In the News: Good news for Mexican wolf? US thinks so
The Arizona Daily Star — December 2, 2017 — Please Write a Letter to the Editor
In the News: New Mexican wolf plan palatable to some in Flagstaff, deemed flawed by others
Arizona Daily Sun - November 30, 2017 - Your letters are needed!
In the News: Mexican wolf recovery plan finalized
Santa Fe Reporter - November 29, 2017 - Your letters are needed!
In the News: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service finalizes Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery Program to the dismay of advocates
Silver City Sun-News - November 29, 2017 - Your letters are needed!
In the News: Finalized wolf plan draws criticism, lawsuit threat
Santa Fe New Mexican - November 29, 2017 - Your letters are needed!
In the News: Final Mexican wolf recovery plan released
Albuquerque Journal - November 29, 2017 - Your letters are needed!
In the News: Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan Revision Completed
Arizona Daily Independent - November 30, 2017 - Your letters are needed!
Will Mexican Wolves Once Again Roam Parts Of The National Park System?
National Parks Traveler — November 23, 2017
In the News: Mexican wolf recovery plan meets opposition
White Mountain Independent - December 1, 2017 - Your letters needed!
In the News: Mexican gray wolf recovery plan criticized for doing too much, too little
Arizona Central - November 30, 2017
Conservation Groups Pan Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan Released By U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service
National Parks Traveler — November 30, 2017
In the News: US adopts recovery plan for Mexican wolves, lawsuit planned
Associated Press, Susan Montoya Bryan — November 29, 2017
In the News: U.S. recovery plan for endangered Mexican wolf assailed by environmentalists
Reuters, Laura Zuckerman — November 29, 2017
In the News: Publicity stunt highlights divide in Mexican wolf fight
The Copper Era - Eastern Arizona Courier, November 4, 2017
Book Review: Wild Lives: Leading Conservationists on the Animals and the Planet They Love
Outside & Huffington Post
Endangered U.S. wolf denied new habitat, as critics charge that politics trumped science
Science Magazine — September 27, 2017