Organizations Send Letter to US Fish & Wildlife
37 Signatories Ask for US Fish & Wildlife to stop the order to remove wolves from the wild
URGENT! Government Orders Wolf Removals Today
We need you to take action to save wolves from the crosshairs today!
Mexican Wolf Reintroduction Project News
Monthly Status Report: January 1-31, 2019 - Arizona Game and Fish Department
In the News: Border Wall Expansion Worries Environmental Groups
By Mallory Falk, February 15, 2019,KRWG New Mexico Public Radio
2019 Initial Release and Translocation Plan
Send your comments to the US Fish & Wildlife - Deadline for comments is February 28th
In the News: Endangered wolves being caught in traps in New Mexico
by Susan Montoya Bryan, Albuquerque Journal, February 12, 2019
Letters to the Editors are Needed!
Press Release: Indiscriminate traps kill, injure endangered Mexican wolves, impeding recovery
Five lobos have been trapped since Nov. 2018
In the News: Flight operations to begin Feb. 7 for annual Mexican wolf population survey
White Mountain Independent, February 6, 2019
Kids Can Give Mexican Wolf Pups Names with Our Seventh Annual Pup Naming Contest
Open to kindergarten through eighth grade. Deadline extended to February 11, 2019 (updated 2/2/19)
Mexican Wolf Reintroduction Project News
Monthly Status Report: December 1-31, 2018 - Arizona Game and Fish Department
In the News: Why a Border Wall Could Mean Trouble for Wildlife
New York Times, January 24, 2019, by John Schwartz
In the News: Annual wolf count delayed by government shutdown
White Mountain Independent, by Trudy Balcom, January 24, 2019
Feature: She heard the call of the wolves
Writer, Tracy Staedter published a piece about Jean Ossorio in the online blog, Experience. It includes a great recording of a wolf howl!
In the News: Earth Notes: Mexican Gray Wolf Cross-Fostering
Arizona Public Radio, by Ryan Heinsius - January 9, 2019
Obituary: Remembering a Real Life Super Wolf
By Jean Ossorio