Wolf News


Lobos a Great Success at the Tucson 2011 All Souls Procession!

On Sunday, November 6, a group of Mexican gray wolf advocates marched in the annual All Souls Procession in Tucson, Arizona to raise awareness of the lobo’s plight and their importance to restoring the balance of nature. It was an amazing experience, not just because the procession itself was so stunning, but because of the outpouring of support for Mexican wolves from the crowds, who howled with us all along the ~2 mile long route. We marched with a large bi-lingual banner that said “Que vivan los lobos! Keep Mexican Wolves in the Wild!” and handed out thousands of mexicanwolves.org stickers.

Before the march began, we gathered to assemble our props, arranged for shuttles from the end of the procession back to the starting point, and put on our costumes and face paint.

Props included coffins decorated with flowers. Some of these had labels on the side that told the causes of Mexican wolf deaths. Others were for the pups and specific members of wild packs who have died.

While many of us wore wolf ears, and tails, and face paint, a couple of our members wore amazing wolf costumes. People at the procession seemed irresistibly drawn to our giant Mexican wolves!

Running free over the coffins were the gorgeous “ghost wolves” created by artist Lauren Strohacker. It was a moving representation of the indomitable spirit of the lobo.

This event was a wonderful way to show and grow support for Mexican gray wolves. Our thanks go out to all who helped this happen!

Photos by Steev Hise

Visit our Facebook page for more photos of the event.

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