Wolf News


Kids Can Give Mexican Wolf Pups Names with Our Seventh Annual Pup Naming Contest

Faces like these are more than just numbers.

Mexican gray wolves are the most endangered gray wolves in the world. Fewer than 120 roam the wildlands of the Southwest. Every Mexican wolf is special, and different, and deserving of his or her own identity. So, we are offering Mexican gray wolf educational resources and activities to help kids from kindergarten through eighth grade give the pups born in the wild in 2018 names to go with the numbers they’ve been assigned by the Interagency Field Team.

The naming contest is open to children across the globe and is a great way for kids, teachers, and parents to learn and share about these wonderful animals.

We will be accepting entries in three age categories:

* Kindergarten through second grade: Art work featuring Mexican gray wolves and a brief explanation of why the name was chosen.

* Third through Fifth grade: Artwork focused on Mexican gray wolves and a brief explanation of why the name was chosen or a poem or short essay explaining why the name was chosen.

* Sixth through Eighth grade: Artwork and a paragraph explanation of why the name was chosen or a poem or short essay explaining why the name was chosen.

Entries can be submitted by individuals or teams.


All contestants must fill out this Entry and Parental Consent Form.

After the Entry and Parental Consent Form is completed, contestants must submit their artwork and/or essay and full name to >> namelobopups@gmail.com

You can download the Entry and Parental Consent Form here.  Then you will then need to, print it, fill it out and email it back to namelobopups@gmail.com.  We prefer that you use the online Entry and Parental Consent Form.


All entries must be submitted to namelobopups@gmail.com no later than midnight PST on February 11, 2019.

You can download the complete contest guidelines here.

All entries will be posted on our website. Winning entries will be recognized and celebrated in our email newsletter, on our website and Facebook page, and in press materials.

For educational resources about Mexican gray wolves, visit:

Pup Naming Contest – Resources for Educators
Resources on Google Drive organized by Class Subject and Grades.

Lobos of the Southwest:
Kid Zone: Fun facts about wolves, great downloads, stories about wolf country, and more.
About Mexican Gray Wolves: General information about Mexican wolves and how they differ from northern Gray wolves.
Brush with Extinction: Some history on the recovery of the Mexican wolf and current status of the wild population.
The Wild Gila Blue: Information about the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area.  
Defenders of Wildlife’s Mexican gray wolves
Basic facts about Mexican gray wolves.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
For photographs, artwork, videos and other creative inspiration, visit:

Lobos of the Southwest
Captive Breeding and Holding Facilities
Chicago, IL
* California Wolf Center
Julian, CA
Cincinnati, OH
* Endangered Wolf Center
Eureka, MO
South Salem, NY

Captive Breeding Facilities with Live Cameras

You can view previous year’s Pup Naming Contest Entries and Winners on our website.
You can also visit us at www.facebook.com/mexicangraywolves

Want more information? Email us at namelobopups@gmail.com

You are donating to : Lobos of the Southwest

How much would you like to donate?
$20 $50 $100
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