Letters to the Editor: Standing up for Wolves
Letter: From Venezuela, a writer wants to save the wolves
Santa Fe New Mexican Monday, October 13, 2014

I had doubts about writing this because I do not even live in the United States, but I made the decision because it was clear to me that endangered species are everyone’s problem, no matter if they belong right behind your backyard or on the other side of the world.
Extinction is the whole world’s problem.
Fear (and sadly even hate) of big predators is still common and it shouldn’t be.
They are essential when we speak of natural balance, and the absence of big predators causes even bigger problems. And ignoring or denying those problems does not make them disappear.
On the other hand, many residents agree with the wolf recovery. It seems to me then that to do something other than keep and improve the program would be ignoring people’s voices. I can hear the “experts” saying that people do not know or understand the consequences of such a recovery. But, with fewer than 100 Mexican wolves now in the wild, what terrible consequences — worth killing or keeping the species in eternal captivity — are we talking about?
Cattle killings? Wildlife killings? Let’s be honest, car accidents kill more animals every year than any wolves. The wolves need more protection, not less, and surely should not be living in sanctuaries forever.
Wolf-related tourism can bring significant income to states and communities. In other states, they have shown that people enjoy the chance to hear the wolves, learn about them or take pictures. A live wolf makes more money than a dead one.
Some might think that I should keep my mouth closed because I am far away. But not only I do have the right, but the distance allows me to be, perhaps, more objective about it. (I defend big predators that belong in my backyard, too.)
Perhaps my writing will show, a little bit, that people from other countries also care about the Mexican wolf.
Valerie Pecquent is a 37-year-old French citizen living in Caracas, Venezuela. She is a French teacher, graphic designer, vegan, wolf and dog lover, a woman who is proud of her beliefs and who stands for them. Soon she will be moving to Canada, where she plans to keep fighting on behalf of wolves.
By Valerie Pecquent
This letter was published in the Santa Fe New Mexican.
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Letter: Like fox guarding the henhouse
Az Daily Sun: October 14, 2014
To the editor:

In the interest of balance, fairness and science, I am providing a website address for the education of those who are truly interested in this issue. The state of Montana has been given the control of the wolf management near Yellowstone. The reporting done by NPR is factual. I hope Mr. Wolf and your readers will take the time to check out this report. It can be found at apps.npr.org.
Susan Cooper
This letter was published in the Az Daily Sun.
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