Mexican gray wolf found dead near Winston, New Mexico
Genetically valuable Mexican wolf father killed after years of successfully raising his family in the wild.
Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan still doesn’t do enough to address human-caused wolf deaths
Revised plan likely won't be enough to curb the number of human-caused deaths.
Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan Revision Draws Mixed Reviews from Wildlife Advocates
Wildlife advocates expressed mixed feelings about the 2022 revision of the Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan.
Federal Officials Release Final Revised Mexican Gray Wolf Plan
The plan does not alter low wolf population target numbers that are not supported by science, nor does it establish genetic metrics for recovery.
Wolf-killing N.M. rancher to pay $10K for illegal grazing
The Forest Service revoked the rancher's grazing permit after he pled guilty to killing a Mexican gray wolf.
The Not So Big and Definitely Not Bad Wolf
When you think of a wolf, what comes to mind?
Mexican Gray Wolf Rule Eliminates Numeric Cap, Unlikely to Improve Genetic Diversity
The new 10(j) Rule won't alleviate the genetic crisis.
Lawsuit Launched to Challenge New Federal Rule that Fails to Recover Mexican Gray Wolves
Advocates head back to court to keep fighting for the 10(j) Rule lobos need to recover and thrive.
Tenth Annual Mexican Gray Wolf Pup Naming Contest Results
It is our pleasure to announce the winners of our Tenth Annual Mexican Gray Wolf Pup Naming Contest!
Mr. Goodbar survived a gunshot, but lost a leg. Other Mexican gray wolves are not so lucky
Mr. Goodbar survived, but many other Mexican gray wolves have lost their lives to illegal killing.
Cry Wolf
Endangered Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery Is Being Sabotaged by Ranchers Who Claim the Canines Are Killing Cattle – and the Federal Employees Who Sign Off on Reports
Protect the Seco Creek Wolf Pack’s Wild Legacy
The Seco Creek wolf family should be granted greater protections and celebrated for their contributions to wolf recovery.
Mexican Gray Wolf Rule Eliminates Cap on Population, Restricts Killing
New Federal Management Rule Still Falls Short on Genetic Diversity by Rejecting Science-Based Reforms.
Politics put the Seco Creek wolf family at risk.
Raise Your Voice by May 16, 2022!
Comments Needed on the Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan!
Lobos Still on the Brink of Extinction
Mexican gray wolf population increases, but lobos are still among the rarest species in the southwestern US.
Enormous outpouring of public support backs majority public opinion that Mexican gray wolves need stronger protections.
Time is Running Out! Speak Out for Mexican Wolves and Change 10(j) Now!
Now is the time to speak out on behalf of the Mexican gray wolf during the public comment period for the proposed 10(j) Management Rule!
Justice for Anubis: Protest Illegal Killing of Mexican Gray Wolves
Wandering wolf Anubis was tragically killed on public lands. Tell AZGFD and USFWS they need to do more to protect endangered wolves!
Mexican Gray Wolf Anubis Killed on National Forest Land
In tragic news, Wandering Wolf Anubis has been illegally killed on public lands in Northern Arizona.