In the News: A Mexican gray wolf will be captured alive from the Gila National Forest
Uncollared wolf to be removed from the Gila National Forest. Silver City Sun News, 2/26/14
Urgent: Help stop the government’s plan to indiscriminately trap an endangered Mexican wolf!
Please Make Calls Today! (posted February 27, 2014)
In the News: Female wolves will boost gene pool
Albuquerque Journal 2/18/14 (posted 2/27/14)
In the News: Call Of The Wild Beckons Former Brookfield Zoo Wolf
Ernesta, Mate Expected to be Released This Spring in a Southwestern Forest, Chicago Tribune, February 16, 2014 (posted 2/23/14)
Urgent-Act Now to Protect Lobos!
AZ Legislation Threatening Mexican Wolf Recovery Can Still Be Stopped! (updated 2/21/14)
In the News: San Diego Wildlife Advocates Pave Way To Restore Gray Wolves In California
KPBS, February 18, 2014 (posted 02/19/14)
Mexican Wolf Reintroduction Project News
Monthly Status Report: January 1- 31, 2014 - From the Mexican Wolf Interagency Field Team (posted 2/16/14)
Press Release: From Wolves To Beetles — Fish & Wildlife Science Tarnished
Service Manufactures Scientific Studies to Support Politically Negotiated Deals (posted 2/13/14)
In the News: Wolf population increases to 83
Terence Corrigan, White Mountain Independent, February 10, 2014 (posted 2/12/14)
Editorial: Denying federal authority costly, inconsistent
AZ Daily Sun on State Anti-wolf, Anti-govt. Bills, 2/9/14
Editorial: Wolves Are in The Crosshairs, Thanks to Sen. Gail Griffin
Our View: There's a Better Plan to Coexist With Ranchers, The Arizona Republic, February 4 (posted 2/7/14)
In the News: Sierra Club criticizes wolf legislation
Mojave Valley Daily News, February 5, 2014
In the News: Lawmakers Taking Aim at Federal Government
Mohave Valley Daily News, February 4, 2014 (posted 02/06/14)
Press Release: Mexican Wolf Numbers Slightly Up in 2014
Much More Needed to Ensure Species' Long-Term Survival — WildEarth Guardians
Event: Make a Difference for wolves in 2014 — and beyond!
Citizen Lobby/Advocacy Workshop, Flagstaff, AZ February 11, 2014
Press Release: End Of Year Count Reveals Dismal Progress For Mx Gray Wolf Recovery
With only a marginal increase in numbers, odds are still against lobo survival-Defenders of Wildlife, 1/31/14
Press Release: Mexican Wolf Numbers Increase for 4th Consecutive Year
83 Wolves, 5 Breeding Pairs Live in Wild in Arizona, New Mexico — Center for Biological Diversity, 1/31/14
In the News: Mexican gray wolf population on the rise
Associated Press, January 31, 2014 Letters Needed!
In the News: Thorpe takes up cause of Arizona ranchers losing cattle to wolves
Legislation Threatens Endangered Wolves-please act today! (Posted 1/30/2014)
Blog: Will New Proposal Help or Hurt the Endangered Mexican Wolf?
VetStreet, January 22, 2014 (posted 01/29/14)
Economic Studies:
Wolves Bring Substantial Benefits (1/23/14)
In the News: White Mountain Independent Mexican Wolf News
Updates on Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area Packs (posted 1/15/2014)
Landmark Federal Legislation Turns 40 Years Old
Mexican Grey Wolves, Carlsbad Zoo Benefit From Endangered Species Act (posted 1/15/14)
A Medical First to Enhance the Genetic Health of the Endangered Lobo
Wolf Conservation Center, January 14, 2014 (posted 1/15/14)
Mexican Wolf Reintroduction Project News
Monthly Status Report: December 1- 31, 2013 - From the Mexican Wolf Interagency Field Team (posted 1/9/14)
Act Now! Endangered Female Mexican Wolf Targeted for Government Trapping
Calls Needed to Keep Loba in Her Wild Home! (current Jan. 2014)
Endangered Mexican Gray Wolves Need a Modern Recovery Plan
Join scientists, Congressman Raul Grijalva, and PEER in calling for a science-based plan to guide Mexican wolf recovery! (updated 1/11/2014)
Job Announcement: Wyss Fellow: Greater Gila Advocate
WildEarth Guardians — January 17, 2014 Deadline (posted 12/19/13)