Blog Post: Hopa travels 1500 miles to Wolf Haven – by car

F1222, (or Hopa, as she is known in-house), is a three year old female born at the Endangered Wolf Center in Eureka, Missouri and originally intended to live in the wilds of Mexico. For a variety of reasons, that didn’t work out, so instead, Hopa came here & is paired with Mexican wolf M1067, known as “Brother”.
Their introduction was lukewarm at best and for a few weeks, Brother either ran Hopa off whenever she got close or simply ignored his new companion.
However, the two seem to be warming up to one another and as courtship season approaches, you can bet he will be doing everything he can to win her over! Recently the pair got a new den box. You can watch their different reactions to it in this VIDEO.
Posted by: Wolf Haven International
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