Wolf News


Save the Date:Tell Arizona Game and Fish to Stop Undermining Wolf Recovery!

For many years, the Arizona Game and Fish Commission has sought to undermine the recovery of Mexican gray wolves. The Commission has advocated for killing wolves, even whole families, accused of depredating on livestock. It has sent letters to Congress advocating that Mexican gray wolves be stripped of their Endangered Species Act Protections. And it has done everything it can to stop the release of new wolves from captivity, desperately needed to boost the genetic health of the wild lobo population.

Recently, it bullied the US Fish and Wildlife Service into capping the number of endangered Mexican gray wolves allowed to live in the wild at 325, with no basis in science or recovery planning, to trap any lobos who travel to key habitats north of I-40, and to make it easier to kill and remove these highly endangered wolves.

It’s time for the majority of Arizonans who support Mexican wolf recovery to loudly and visibly oppose Arizona Game and Fish’s anti-wolf actions.

Please stand for wolves with us at a rally for wolves during the July 7th AZ Game and Fish Commission Meeting. Plan to participate in the meeting as well.

Wear your lobo shirts and stickers, and give wolves a voice during the Wolf Briefing Agenda item (the agenda has not yet been posted, so check back here for updates). Even if you don’t wish to speak, you can help just by being there and filling out a blue card saying that you support Mexican gray wolf recovery.

You can speak face to face with the Commission at the actual meeting in Flagstaff (venue not yet announced). Or you can participate via video teleconference  from a Regional Office in Phoenix, Pinetop, Flagstaff, Kingman, Yuma, Tucson or Mesa (click here for regional office addresses).  .

We will have Packtivists at the Flagstaff meeting and at the Phoenix, Tucson, and Flagstaff offices to support wolf advocates.

You can also help by signing the petition asking AZ Game and Fish to stop obstructing wolf recovery.

Our lobos can’t speak for themselves against state persecution. They need all of us to do it for them.

Please save the date and spread the word.

Thank you for giving our endangered native wolves a voice!

For more information, contact us at info@mexicanwolves.org


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