Wearable Wolf Art available as T-Shirts, V-Necks, and Tank Tops
Get Your Lobo Shirt Today
Since 2009, Lobos of the Southwest, has been at the forefront of efforts to save the lobo, organizing tirelessly to mobilize support and defend these rare and wonderful animals against a myriad of threats.
However, Mexican gray wolves continue to face many challenges to their survival and recovery, including:
– AZ and NM politicians have introduced federal legislation to remove Endangered Species Act protections;
– Congress is likely to attach anti-wolf riders to must-pass bills in 2015;
– The government continues to capture and remove wolves over conflicts with livestock; and
– State wildlife management agencies are advocating for policies to make Mexican wolf recovery impossible.
Your purchase of this t-shirt will help us continue our fight for the Mexican gray wolf’s future, including organizing and training lobo activist groups (packtivists) throughout the Southwest, arranging meetings between wolf advocates and their representatives in Congress, holding rallies and protests, and sounding the alarm through traditional and social media.
Shirts are available in a variety of colors as
T-Shirts, V-Necks and Tank Tops.
CLICK HERE to choose your color and style

Tee-shirt design donated by Tina Hickman.
Tina has been drawing all her life. A dog groomer by trade, she also does commissioned hand-drawn pet portraits. Her work website can be found at www.MonCheriGrooming.com
Thank you for supporting our work to ensure these special wolves’ future!
Want to help even more? You can make a donation of $10 or more here: https://wildlandsnetwork.org/donate-to-defend-endangered-mexican-wolves/