Wolf News


Video: Mexican Gray Wolf Puppies Get Bones for the First Time!

The Endangered Wolf Center, one of the wonderful Species Survival Plan facilities involved in the captive breeding program for Mexican wolves, has just posted a new video, along with these words:

Another look into the true nature of the wolf.

Another opportunity to replace myth and misinformation with fact.

The Perkins Pack provides another first ever look into the life of a captive multigenerational pack of the rarest wolf in the world.

What may be surprising to some is the cooperation and good nature of the yearlings to their little sisters and brother. The yearlings took bones up the hill to the pups so they didn’t have to go get them. Without fail, when a pup wanted a yearling’s bone, the yearling walked away and let them have it.

See more videos and photos on The Endangered Wolf Center Facebook page.

Find facts and see how you can help at http://endangeredwolfcenter.org/

Photo: The photo above of Perkins’ and Abby’s previous pups is courtesy of the Endangered Wolf Center.

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