Wolf News


Video: Ambassadors of Past Remind Us of Present Challenges in Lobo Recovery

From the Wolf Conservation Center Blog, Oct. 5, 2011:

GuidepostsTV posted an old video on YouTube over the weekend that stars the Wolf Conservation Center’s original Ambassador Pack members: Apache, Lukas, and Kaila. Apache clearly steals the show by howling with the host and interrupting the discussion about Mexican gray wolf recovery with his soulful song. Although the video brings back wonderful memories, it’s discouraging that the wild Mexican gray wolf population has failed to grow since this video was shot three years ago. More than 13 years after they were first reintroduced to the Southwest, there are still only around 50 Mexican wolves in the wild, making them the most endangered mammal in north America.

Click here to view the video.

It’s time to start restoring eligible captive wolves to their ancestral home in the wilds of Arizona and New Mexico. Click here to take action for the lobos– Mexican gray wolves need to live wild, and wild places need them.

About the Wolf Conservation Center:

Located in South Salem, NY, the Wolf Conservation Center exists to educate people about wolves and their valuable role in the environment, and to help protect their future in the wild. The WCC is home to ambassador wolves that visitors can observe in spacious natural enclosures. We also have over 20 wolves as part of our participation in Species Survival Plans for critically endangered Mexican Gray Wolves and Red Wolves. To learn more about us or to arrange a visit, please go to our website and follow us on Facebook. 

To learn more about the facilities helping to recover the Mexican gray wolf, click here.

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