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Wolves Across the West


Predatory Bureaucracy: The Extermination of Wolves and the Transformation of the West. Michael J. Robinson
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Where the Wild Things Were: Life, Death, and Ecological Wreckage in a Land of Vanishing Predators. William Stoltzenburg
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Blogs with Mexican gray wolf-related content

Coyotes, Wolves, Cougars Forever
A site that invites research, commentary, point/counterpoint on the suite of native animals (predator and prey) that inhabited The Americas circa 1500-at the initial point of European exploration and subsequent colonization.

The Wildlife News

Wolf Conservation Center
Located in South Salem, NY, the Wolf Conservation Center exists to educate people about wolves and their valuable role in the environment, and to help protect their future in the wild.

The Wolf Preservation Blog
A Gateway to Information, Education and Resources on Wolf Preservation by Hoosier Wolf Preservationist Michael Heath.

Wolf Watcher
Our mission is to fiercely support the wolves in North America in their time of need and beyond, and work towards educating people from all parts of the country, young and old, to value and understand the crucial importance of wildlife and its role in the ecosystem.


  • The Bureaucratically Imperiled Mexican Wolf. Conservation Biology 20(4)2006. By A. Povilitis, D. R. Parsons, M. J. Robinson, and C. Dusti Becker. Download pdf
  • Reintroduction and Conservation of the Mexican Gray Wolf. A resolution of the American Society of Mammalogists. Adopted June, 2007. Download pdf
  • Letter to Secretary of the Interior, Dirk Kempthorne, to request an emergency moratorium on all predator control targeted against endangered Mexican gray wolves in Arizona and New Mexico until the population of Mexican wolves stabilizes and population objectives for the reintroduction are achieved, endorsed by organizations and scientists. June 19, 2006. Download pdf
  • Letter to Dr. Benjamin Tuggle (US Fish and Wildlife Service) from Association of Zoos and Aquariums. Re: A request for a moratorium on lethal control and permanent removal (rescind or suspend SOP13) of Mexican wolves in the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area until an expert taskforce on genetic issues can be convened to provide guidance to these actions. January 2, 2008. Download pdf
  • Letter to Dr. Benjamin Tuggle (US Fish and Wildlife Service) from David R. Parsons and Peter M. Ossorio. Re: USFWS misapplication of formal definition of breeding pairs resulting in overstatement of success of the Mexican wolf reintroduction project. March 7, 2008. Download pdf
  • Comments from the Center for Biological Diversity and 17 additional wildlife/conservation organizations on proposed clarifications to United States Fish and Wildlife Service’s “Standard Operating Procedure 13.” Download pdf
  • Testimony on Mexican gray wolf management made by biologist David Parsons to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources. Download pdf
  • The Rewilding Institute’s letter to Dr. Tuggle of the USFWS (8/6/08) exposing misinformation Dr. Tuggle’s op-eds. Download pdf
  • Results from surveys of attitudes toward wolves and wolf management.
    Download Arizona Survey pdf
    Download New Mexico Survey pdf
    Download Defenders 2013 Southwest poll
  • Peer Review of the Draft Mexican Wolf Conservation Assessment by David Parsons. Submitted March 10, 2009. Download pdf
  • The Rewilding Institute’s scoping comments on proposed rule changes for the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area, endorsed by scientists and organizations. Download pdf
  • The Center for Biological Diversity’s scoping comments on proposed rule changes for the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area. Download pdf
  • Letter to Dirk Kempthorne, Secretary of the Interior, from Center for Biological Diversity and 15 additional wildlife/conservation groups requesting investigations and corrective actions regarding reported baiting of wolves in order to induce them to kill cattle and thus (successfully) cause a wolf’s removal from the wild. January 3, 2008. Download pdf
  • Response Letter from the Department of the Interior to the Center for Biological Diversity and others. Re: Letter requesting investigations and corrective actions in response to reported baiting of wolves. February 22, 2008. Download pdf
  • Defenders et al. Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief. Re: Litigation filed in United States District Court alleging violations of the National Environmental Policy Act, Administrative Procedure Act, and Endangered Species Act. May 30, 2008. Download pdf
  • The Rewilding Institute’s comments on proposed clarifications to United States Fish and Wildlife Service’s “Standard Operating Procedure 13.” Download pdf
  • Legal Complaint filed by WildEarth Guardians and the Rewilding Institute against the USFWS for management practices not in compliance with the recovery goals set forth under the Endangered Species Act. Download pdf

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