Ninth Annual Mexican Gray Wolf Pup Naming Contest Results
It is our pleasure to announce the winners of our Ninth Annual Mexican Gray Wolf Pup Naming Contest!
Students from Kindergarten through Eighth Grade participated in our annual Pup Naming Contest either as individuals or in teams. More than 120 contestants from around the world submitted entries that included art or essays along with the names the contestants chose.
From these entries, nine names have been selected as winners to name the nine pups that were documented and radio collared by the Mexican Wolf Interagency Field Team in 2020.
An additional 13 names were selected as runners up. These names will be assigned to pups if and when additional pups are radio collared. The remaining entries all received honorable mentions.
This was a difficult decision for the judges with so many amazing entries! We are so inspired by the passion, creativity, and thoughtfulness that all of the participants displayed. These young conservationists fill us with hope for the future, and that makes all of the participants winners in our book!
Our thanks goes out to all of you!
Names Assigned to Collared Pups Born in 2020
Dark Canyon Pack
male pup 2520
Submitted by Enoch Ricks, Gavin S., and Dane Croft
7th Grade

Iron Creek Pack
male pup 2549
Submitted by Mateo Vega Toache

Corvid Grace
Tu dil hil pack
male pup 2563
Submitted by Prophet-Elu Andazola
8th Grade

Cerro Trigo pack
male pup 2560
Submitted by Anna E.
7th Grade

Iron Creek pack
male pup 2545
Submitted by Harrison Straube
2nd Grade

SBP pack
female pup 2558
Submitted by Madison Straube
2nd Grade

Elk Horn pack
female pup 1869
Submitted by Vivienne Taylor
3rd Grade

Pitchfork Canyon pack
male pup 2559
Submitted by Ellary Day Szyndlar
3rd Grade

Whiskey Creek pack
male pup 2556
Submitted by Rhys Darcy
3rd Grade

These names may be assigned to future collared pups born in 2020. Click the wolf pup name to see the entry.
Adelmo – Submitted by Mateo V., 3rd Grade
Asha – Submitted by Maesen Whiteside, 7th Gradee
Bear wolf – Submitted by Mattson Bear Esquivel, 2nd Grade
Hermano – Submitted by the Straube Brothers (Harrison, Bennett & Luke Ryan) (Hermano page 2)
Howler – Submitted by Jessa Doner, 1st Grade
Hunter – Submitted by Leif Le, 3rd Grade
Hunter – Submitted by Harmony Burns, 1st Grade
Kachina – Submitted by Natalia S., 6th Grade
Miyax – Submitted by Sylvie Scott, 1st Grade
Nageki – Submitted by Claire L., 7th Grade
Storm – Submitted by Ripley M., 4th Grade
Viento or Wind – Submitted by Adam Doner, 6th Grade
Wild – Submitted by Pacey P., 4th Grade
Honorable Mentions
Afterglow- Submitted by Luke Ryan Straube, 3rd Grade
Alchemist- Submitted by George Gorlin, 3rd Grade
Alpine- Submitted by Elija Gilca, 7th Grade
Antonio- Submitted by Grayson Lundeen, 7th Grade
Aquarius- Submitted by Karley C., Ender Hamelin, Emma Potter, and Zoe Segura, 7th Grade
Ash or Emmly- Submitted by Cat Begay, 3rd Grade
Bandido(a) Del Eato or Bandit – Submitted by Darby Morrison, 7th Grade
Bryant- Submitted by Mason Mulzet, 3rd Grade
Callido- Submitted by Jean Stewart, 7th Grade
Charcoal- Submitted by Katelyn Green and Kira Amevor, 7th Grade
Coco- Submitted by Hayes, 3rd Grade
Cory Swapp- Submitted by Mary Ann Jensen, 7th Grade
Daisy (girl) or Will (boy)- Submitted by Julia F., 3rd Grade
Dillon- Submitted by Alexis S., 6th Grade
Dios- Submitted by Elaina Eckert, 4th Grade
Draco- Submitted by Michael M., 3rd Grade
Esperanza- Submitted by Zoe S., 7th Grade
Evergreen- Submitted by Mia Baldwin, 1st Grade
Flow – Submitted by Cooper Brown, 3rd Grade
Flower- Submitted by Madison Straube, 2nd Grade
Forest- Submitted by Anonymous
Freki- Submitted by Ben Turner, 7th Grade
Glitchtrap- Submitted by Mae Rynearson, 7th Grade
Griffin- Submitted by Ammon Merrill, 7th Grade
Gris- Submitted by Elizabeth B., 7th Grade
Guarda lupe- Submitted by Aiden C., 3rd Grade
Hapi- Submitted by Gavin Whitchurch, 7th Grade
Hayat- Submitted by Jessica Moench, 7th Grade
Isaac- Submitted by Ayhan Isaac Solouki, 4th Grade
Jordan- Submitted by Blake S., 7th Grade
Kahlúa – Submitted by Aria Lonia’, 3rd Grade
Karev- Submitted by Genesis Jerez, Sierra Wilde, and Lola Albrico, 7th Grade
Karma- Submitted by Deja R., 7th Grade
Kobe- Submitted by Tarek, 3rd Grade
Koda- Submitted by Marin Langston, Alex Lloyd, and Mia Sudol, 7th Grade
Kovu- Submitted by Danica Schwartz, 3rd Grade
Kukan- Submitted by Ashton T., 7th Grade
Lakota- Submitted by Rhiannon Golden, 7th Grade
Lemon- Submitted by Kate Waller, 3rd Grade
Limerence- Submitted by Bennett Straube, 4th Grade
Lollipop- Submitted by Samantha W., 3rd Grade
Loónah- Submitted by T.B., 4th Grade
Lucky- Submitted by Jackie S., 3rd Grade
Luna- Submitted by Isla S., Kindergarten
Luna- Submitted by Sevi Karmi, 3rd Grade
Massacooramaan – Submitted by Juliette McLoney, Elspeth Larsen, Bailey Duffin, 7th Grade
Matzi- Submitted by Rhiannon Golden, 7th Grade
Midnight Moon- Submitted by Lauren P. and Danica Meibos, 7th Grade
Moonlight- Submitted by Owen Hiney
Nacho- Submitted by Declyn M., 4th Grade
Opal- Submitted by Alsina E. Huang, 7th Grade
Oro- Submitted by Mia Mamolen, 3rd Grade
Ozzy- Submitted by Lucy M., 3rd Grade
Packer- Submitted by Summer B., Kindergarten
Peter- Submitted by Clara Beatriz Viera Siqueira, 7th Grade
Phoenix- Submitted by Zenyi Miranda Dominguez, 7th Grade
Pico- Submitted by Sarah S., Samara Shah, Lillian Brog, and Emery Gallegos, 7th Grade
Raja- Submitted by Makayla N. and Taylor Higbee, 7th Grade
Raul- Submitted by Mike Adams, 3rd Grade
Requise- Submitted by Milo Goss and William Wadley, 7th Grade
Rocky- Submitted by Ava S., Kindergarten
Rosy- Submitted by Kestrel Rose Browne, Kindergarten
Ryan- Submitted by Rayne Douglas, 3rd Grade
Scout- Submitted by Anna Mawhinney, 7th Grade
Scout- Submitted by Pelé P., 3rd Grade
Scuto- Submitted by Rhiannon Golden, 7th Grade
Seeker- Submitted by Gunner Dupaix and Preston H., 7th Grade
Shaggy- Submitted by Genevieve M., 1st Grade
Sharp Bite- Submitted by Ana, 3rd Grade
Sierra- Submitted by Rylie Martin, 7th Grade
Silver Soul- Submitted by Reid Thomas, 3rd Grade
Smokey- Submitted by Isaiah J. Taylor, 7th Grade
Snowflake- Submitted by Everlie Altman, Kindergarten
Sol- Submitted by Eva Bleazard, 7th Grade
Storm- Submitted by Riddick Eckert, 2nd Grade
Survivor- Submitted by Dauwe Ellegala, 3rd Grade
Sylvan- Submitted by Eleanot Wilhelm, 8th Grade
Taco- Submitted by Camila W., 3rd Grade
Twilight- Submitted by Sahar Badawi, 6th Grade
Willow- Submitted by Cassie Pondelik, 3rd Grade
Willow (girl) and Will (boy)- Submitted by Reagan, 3rd Grade
Wizard- Submitted by Jenna EM., 3rd Grade
Xerxes- Submitted by Tanner R. and Preston Hunter, 7th Grade
Zap- Submitted by Benjamin Paltzik, 3rd Grade
Zenith- Submitted by Zach Thomas, 3rd Grade
You can view all of the entries here: