Movie Review: “Stories of Wolves — the Lobo Returns” Teaches “The Web of Life”

One of the truths learned while researching and writing about wellness is that truly healthy living doesn’t just happen at the doctor’s office, the church, the clubhouse, the bank, or between the pages of a good book. The road to wellness is paved with decisions we make every day, including one that will be addressed in this and upcoming articles: “Inter-species Social Wellness,” thanks in a large part to a wonderful movie about the endangered Mexican Gray Wolf that was watched by a full house at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center in Albuquerque last Saturday evening, October 29. The film, talk, and wolf blessing that preceded the film were the work of Albuquerquean Elke Duerr, who heads the Web Of Life Foundation that is “dedicated to creating a healthy coexistence between wilderness and civilization, the reconnection of humans to the natural world and the recovery of endangered plant and animal species.” “Inter-species Wellness” is actually part of a trio of upcoming article categories that also includes “environmental wellness” and “nature wellness.”