More Pro-Wolf Letters to the Editor in Southwest Papers!
Writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper is an excellent way to raise awareness about critically endangered Mexican gray wolves and the steps needed to help them thrive. Surveys of newspaper readers show that the letters page is among the most closely read parts of the paper. It’s also the page policy-makers look to as a barometer of public opinion. Here are some great pro-wolf letters published in September!
Taos News
The New Mexico Game Commission, a stacked deck with four new members appointed by blatantly antienvironment Gov. Susana Martinez, voted July 22 to condemn the Mexican grey wolf to extinction.
The Lobos, a mascot for many schools in our state, including the University of New Mexico, are struggling in a massive reintroduction effort by the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service.
They are fighting extreme prejudice from coalitions of some public land-users, and that portion of the general population influenced by the fearmongering spread by those groups.
To date, these magnificent animals, vital to a balanced ecosystem, have had to deal with illegal poisonings, shootings and other “accidents.”
Now trapping will resume in their reintroduction area. Lobos killed in traps will legally be considered collateral damage.
Only the New Mexico Legislature can reverse this abominable decision. Please ask your representatives to support legislation protecting our treasured native Mexican grey wolves.
Santa Fe New Mexican
I am heartened to hear that the Mexican authorities are planning to release five Mexican gray wolves in northeastern Sonora in the immediate future. These will help genetically diversify the population in the Gila of New Mexico and Arizona. This will be an essential component for the long-term viability of the Mexican gray wolf, which requires several connected populations to maintain genetic diversity as well as allowing a much broader geographic range to safeguard from an environmental catastrophe in one area, such as the Wallow Fire that damaged much of the wolf’s range earlier this year.
Thank you for publishing this article that brings hope to so many of us for a robust and complete wolf recovery. Public opinion has shown strong support of the wolf reintroduction effort, and we owe a debt of gratitude to our Mexican neighbors.
Santa Fe New Mexican
I strongly support the release of the Mexican gray wolves, especially considering that only 50 of them currently remain in the wild! Wolves have been killed in many ways over the last century and virtually exterminated. The restoration of wild wolves is one of the most important American conservation projects. Wild wolves are a part of a balanced ecosystem. They provide natural culling of old, young, sick and weak prey animals like elk and deer. Wolves also move elk and deer, preventing overgrazing and destruction of habitat, and create healthy habitat for fish and songbirds.
On a personal note, my son’s favorite animal is the wolf. He loves to read about the gray wolf and is always checking out books on wolves. This release gives me hope for the continued survival of the gray wolf.
Arizona Daily Star
Re: the Sept. 14 article “Mexico set to free gray wolves in NE Sonora.”
It is sincerely satisfying to see that the efforts to protect the Mexican gray wolves in the United States are being emulated by Mexico. We have fought so hard to protect and repopulate our wolves here in the Southwest. We must also continue to fight to keep them on the endangered species list.
Our success can only increase with the help of our southern neighbors.
The health of the animals, the environment, as well as ourselves, depends on our cooperation with nature and maintaining the balance of all creatures in nature.
Thank you for your continued effort in this matter.
Defenders of Wildlife guardian, Glendale
Many thanks and congratulations to these talented and dedicated letter writers-your letters make a big difference in the effort to protect and recover our lobos!
We usually include a link for letters to the editor with the articles we post. To learn more about submitting your own letters to the editor, click here.