Wolf News


More Great Pro-Wolf Letters to the Editor — Thank You!

Thank you to all who have submitted letters!

Writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper is an excellent way to raise awareness about critically endangered Mexican gray wolves and the steps needed to help them thrive. Surveys of newspaper readers show that the letters page is among the most closely read parts of the paper. It’s also the page policy-makers look to as a barometer of public opinion.

Below are some recent letters that have been published.

Save our wolves
Las Cruces Sun — May 1, 2013
My husband and I moved from N.M. to Texas last year, but we continue to support programs saving our wolves. We read with dismay in your newspaper that another wolf had been shot and killed. Shame on that shooter! Our wolves are beautiful, magnificent creatures who deserve to be saved.

Please, N.M. readers, work to save the rest of the wolves living in the Gila!

El Paso, TX
Letter was wrong
Las Cruces Sun — May 12, 2013
A recent letter, “Tell both sides,” is wrong about the funding received by the Center for Biological Diversity, a national, nonprofit conservation organization founded in rural southwestern New Mexico in 1989 that has helped save hundreds of species of wildlife and native plants from extinction. Contrary to letter-writer Michele Connelly’s statement, the Center is chiefly funded by memberships and other donations (from, among others, more than 1,000 New Mexicans who care about endangered animals like Mexican gray wolves). On average, less than 5 percent of the Center’s annual revenues comes as reimbursements for suing the federal government – reimbursements we only receive in cases we win.

Connelly is right that the Fish and Wildlife Service should respond to our statement that its trapping and shooting of wolves on behalf of the livestock industry has contributed to inbreeding.

For example, in 2004 the Saddle Pack’s alpha male was shot by the government, despite a Fish and Wildlife Service biologist having pointed out that he was genetically irreplaceable. Other genetically valuable wolves were removed alive but not bred in captivity.

Just 75 wolves, including a mere three breeding pairs, survive in Arizona and New Mexico. The Fish and Wildlife Service granted itself a surreptitious permit to enable similar persecution of wolves crossing into the United States from Mexico, where authorities are reintroducing them. A Center for Biological Diversity lawsuit on the matter led to withdrawal of the illegal permit, saving taxpayers money in trapping costs and, more importantly, shielding these vulnerable animals from official persecution.

– MICHAEL J. ROBINSON, Center for Biological Diversity
Silver City

Fate of wolves is up to us
Arizona Republic – May 28, 2013

Thank you for your article “Arizona endangered wolves still on the brink” (Page A1, Sunday).

As a member of the California Wolf Center, one of the centers across the country that is part of the Species Survival Program for Mexican gray wolves, I am deeply concerned about the fate of Mexican wolves in the Southwest.

As stated in your article, lobos face dangers in the wild from cars, poachers, disease and many other factors. But that is no reason to give up!

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, along with Arizona and New Mexico, need to persevere in their efforts to release additional Mexican wolves into the wild.

Without additional wolves, the current gene pool will get progressively weaker. Without the release of additional wolves, the species will soon be extinct.

The majority of citizens in Arizona and New Mexico support lobo recovery. Many of us in other states do, too. Let’s protect those we have and add to their numbers as soon as possible. And may loba Ernesta live a long and fruitful life!

– Janet Hoben
Burbank, CA



The letters to the editor page is one of the most widely read, influential parts of the newspaper. One letter from you can reach thousands of people and will also likely be read by decision-makers.

Click here for a recent article that provides a letter to the editor opportunity.  Tips for writing your letter are included, but please write in your own words, from your own experience.

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Photo credit:  Rebecca Bose, Wolf Conservation Center

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