Join the pack today and help save the lobo!
However, Mexican gray wolves continue to face many challenges to their survival and recovery, including:
- Politicians have introduced federal legislation to remove Endangered Species Act protections;
- Arizona state legislators are trying to undermine Mexican wolf recovery;
- The government continues to capture and remove wolves over conflicts with livestock; and
- State wildlife management agencies and Governors are advocating for policies to make Mexican wolf recovery impossible.
The lobo’s future is at stake. Lobos of the Southwest will continue our fight at this crucial time. We have the opportunity to put the lobo on the fast track to recovery, but we can’t do it without you.
Please make a donation of $10-$100 today in honor of the over 100 Mexican wolves in the wild that you have helped protect. A donation of any size is appreciated at this pivotal point in the recovery of the lobo, as their survival is still under threat. Our pack is growing:
> Our Facebook page, Mexican Gray Wolves, devoted to the wolves’ recovery, now has over 1 million likes and reaches over a million people weekly with inspiration and actions to save our lobos.
> Our partners and packtivists have helped organized hundreds of events to raise awareness and increase support for Mexican wolves, and will continue to do so with your support.
> During recent hearings on proposals critical to the Mexican wolf’s future, we turned out hundreds of supporters and helped generate over 140,000 comments, almost all of which called for greater protections for lobos.
We are grateful for all you have done to make this possible. But much more needs to be done, and quickly. We need to — and with your help we can — redouble our efforts to save the lobo.
We hope you will again step up for the lobo, this time by donating $10 – $100. Our goal is to raise $10,000.
Your donation will help us continue to build the #SavetheLobo movement and to keep pressure on states hostile to wolf recovery and on federal officials and members of Congress.
We do this through traditional and social media, grassroots organizing, education and outreach, training and supporting packtivist groups throughout the region, lobbying, rallies, paid ads, and strong collaboration with groups working for wolves across the country.
No matter how much or little you can give, know that we will put your generosity to good use for these endangered wolves.
- Donate $10, and we can get important action information into the hands of 100 people.
- Donate $100, and we can reach thousands with six ads for wolves on public radio.
- Donate $250, and we can train 75 activists to effectively lobby their elected officials.
- A $500 donation will pay for 8 days of Facebook ads targeting supporters to attend a rally for wolves.
Please make a donation today, using this secure portal, to help us ensure the future of the Mexican gray wolf! Click here
Thank you for giving Mexican wolves the gift of ensuring strong advocacy on their behalf.