Wolf News


Congressman Grijalva Sends Letter to Director Tuggle of the Fish and Wildlife Service

Arizona Congressman, Raul Grijalva, responded to his constituents concerns about the planned removal of the Fox Mountain alpha female.  In his letter to U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s Southwest Regional Director, Dr. Benjamin Tuggle, Congressman Grijalva expresses “serious concerns about the ecological impacts of permanently removing this wolf”.

Here are a few more excerpts from his letter:

“There are few wild wolves in this area.  Leaving them in place is critical for their recovery.”

“I am concerned that her removal could result in death or injury for her, her pups, or other adults in the pack.”

“If the Service feels it needs to remove the Fox Mountain alpha female, it should refrain from doing so until it has a solid plan in place to release more wolves.”

“I am concerned that the Service is removing wolves without a plan to enhance the overall population.”

You can read the complete letter here.

Please take a moment and thank Congressman Grijalva for standing up for Mexican wolves —

Now it’s your turn to speak up for the Fox Mountain Pack and Mexican gray wolves.

Click here to make calls urging decision-makers to keep the Fox Mountain alpha female in the wild with her family and to release more wolves.

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