URGENT! Government Orders Wolf Removals Today
Bad news: At least one Mexican gray wolf is targeted for trapping or shooting in the Gila National Forest of New Mexico and two others have already been trapped and taken into captivity for preying on domestic livestock.
At last count a year ago, there are only 114 Mexican wolves in the wild in New Mexico and Arizona combined. All Mexican wolves in the wild are vital. A small handful have unique genetic backgrounds that are important to the survival of the entire population and subspecies. Every wolf taken from the wild undermines recovery.
Call and email the list of decision-makers below and ask them to stop the trapping and shooting of Mexican wolves and free the two trapped wolves immediately.
Brady McGee, Mexican Wolf Recovery Coordinator, US Fish & Wildlife Service, brady_mcgee@fws.gov, 505-761-4748
Amy Lueders, SW Regional Director, US Fish & Wildlife Service, RDLueders@fws.gov, 505-248-6911
David Bernhardt, Acting Secretary of the Interior, 1-202-208-3100
(This is not connected to the Trump administration’s proposal to delist the gray wolf from the endangered species list. If that delisting goes through, Mexican wolves traveling north of Interstate 40 could be mistaken for unprotected gray wolves in northern Arizona and other states and shot.)