Mexican Wolf Pup Naming Contest Results

We are happy to announce the winners of our Mexican gray wolf pup naming contest!
Students from kindergarten through eighth grade participated in the contest in teams or as individuals. Altogether, 156 contestants from Arizona, New Mexico, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and even Italy submitted over 90 entries that included art or essays along with the names the contestants chose. From these, 15 winners were chosen to name the 15 pups born in 2012 who have been collared and recorded by the Mexican wolf interagency field team.
An additional five contestants were selected as runners up, whose name selections will be assigned to pups if and when additional pups are collared. The remaining entries all received honorable mentions.
The contest judges had a very difficult task. It was evident that a great deal of thought, creativity and passion went into every entry we received. These young people and their teachers and parents give us hope for the future of Mexican gray wolves.
You can click the wolf pup names to see the actual entries.**

Acalia – Dark Canyon Pack female pup 1278 — Submitted by Isabel S.
An acronym I derived for Acalia would be: (Acalia is pronounced “A-sa-leah”)
Active: For her endless energy and will to be free in the wild like a wolf should be.
Captivating: Wolves are beautiful animals, and Acalia is beautiful like a wolf should be. Wolves have captivated humans for a long time.
Assertive: Like an alpha wolf, she would be strong-willed into doing what she believes is right. She has that headstrong personality.
Light: She is enlightened to everyone around her with her free and wild spirit. She is bright and capable of doing what she wants and has a good heart.
Intelligent: She is strong, and smart making her everything in one package. She won’t be easily fooled, and has the wisdom to lead.
Adorable: Like all animals, she is adorable, with a wagging tail and that cuteness found in all baby animals.
Clover — Bluestem Pack female pup 1280 — Submitted by Gypsie G.
“Clover is for good luck for themselves and others. Also it stands out, it’s brave and independent.”
Copper — Maverick Pack male pup 1290 — Submitted by Skyler D.
“Copper is very valuable, just like the Mexican gray wolf is to our world. Copper is shiny and beautiful, just like the Mexican gray wolf. And Copper is very treasured and held in safety. So I think that a pup should be named Copper,
because of all the things that they have in common.”
because of all the things that they have in common.”

Faolan — Luna Pack male pup 1286 — Submitted by Riona H.
“I named my wolf Faolan because it is pretty. Also, because Faolan is a hero, like him. He is nice, smart, brave.”
Firesoul — San Mateo Pack female pup 1292 — Submitted by Joshua J.
“”¦ the pups are a mix of brown, grey, rust and tan. They have a very playful soul and that can go in the name.”
Gunnolf — Luna Pack male pup 1285
Hope — Fox Mountain Pack female pup 1281 — Submitted by Jenna S. & Grace F.
“We picked this name because we all hope that in the future Mexican wolves will not be endangered any longer. Also, we want this wolf to have hope in times of struggle and we want it to never give up. Every wolf is different and unique, and we believe this is a unique name.”
Huckleberry — Bluestem Pack male pup 1275 — Submitted by Macabe Wood
“I want to name a wolf pup Huckleberry, which is my guinea pig’s name. Plus
there are berries where wolves live.”
there are berries where wolves live.”
Hunt — San Mateo Pack male pup 1282 — Submitted by Jessica Brockman
“I would name it Hunt because they hunt.”
Keeper — Bluestem Pack male pup 1277 — Submitted by Turner C. Burns
“This is my Mexican Gray Wolf. I made him look serious because it’s such a serious thing that there are so few Mexican gray wolves left. I didn’t want to make him look cute because there is nothing cute about the idea of extinction. I think the pup’s name should be Keeper” because it’s important to KEEP these wolves alive.”
Krypto — Luna Pack male pup 1284 — Submitted by Talis F. & Evan A.
“We decided to name the wolf pup Krypto because Krypto is Superman’s pet
dog from the Planet Krypton (Krypto has the same powers as Superman).
When Superman’s father decided he needed to send his son to Earth
because Krypton was going to explode, he made a test rocket and sent
Krypto in it. “¦ We want to name the pup Krypto because Krypto is a super
dog, and we hope this wolf pup will also be super.”
dog from the Planet Krypton (Krypto has the same powers as Superman).
When Superman’s father decided he needed to send his son to Earth
because Krypton was going to explode, he made a test rocket and sent
Krypto in it. “¦ We want to name the pup Krypto because Krypto is a super
dog, and we hope this wolf pup will also be super.”

Little Wild — Bluestem Pack female pup 1289 — Submitted by Emily Mullaney
“I named my pup Little Wild because there are only a little bit in the wild.”
Little Wild — Bluestem Pack female pup 1289 — Submitted by Keeley Callander
“I would name it Little Wild because it is little and wild.”
Little Wild — Bluestem Pack female pup 1289 — Submitted by Emily Boeck
“I want to name him Little Wild because he is in the wild for a little bit.”
Ma’iitosoh — Tsay o Ah Pack female pup 1283 — Submitted by Robby McCarron & Teammate
“We chose this name because it is the Native American name for wolf. “¦ We thought it would be good to name it Ma’iitosoh mostly because it is a sacred animal to the Navajo people”¦. This name means sacred and to make the more sacred this name would make people think of them before they go extinct.
“¦ It represents the wolves and how they are sacred to many people.”
“¦ It represents the wolves and how they are sacred to many people.”
Pondo — Fox Mountain Pack male pup 1274 — Submitted by Quinn Wood
“I think that Pondo is a wonderful name for a wolf pup, because Pondo is short for ponderosa pine, which is a part of their habitat.”
Sandy — Maverick Pack female pup 1291 — Submitted by Rachel Rogers
“I think Sandy is a good name for a Mexican wolf pup because the color of the fur looks like sand.”
Runner Ups

Bailey – Submitted by Jeanette M. & Piper J.
Luna — Submitted by Lena R., Rachel F., & Vera B.
Lupita — Submitted by Josie Soto & Larren Masayesva
Sprocket — Submitted by Meagan O.
Zurina Loba(o)
Honorable Mentions

‘Alchin dóó doo biidisnaadah”
Animalia Lupus
Candios or Candias or Lupoz — Submitted by Adam S., Paolo C., & Russell M.

Canis Lupis Baileyi
Caramel — Submitted by Chad G., Montana S., & Nadiah B.
Charlie Bailey Louis — Submitted by Felicity P., Juliet S., & Katie F.
Clayton or Willow — Submitted by Eben T., Gabe E., & Hunter W.
Collegamento / Link
Cougar Blaze

Cupcake or Tucker — Submitted by Alexis R. & Makayla D.
Drake — Submitted by Kyle B.
Duece — Submitted by Sonia Mathur
Fruit lupas
Furry Friend — Submitted by Ethan M.
Hunter — Submitted by M. Farnum

Joey — Submitted by Jaylee Hicks
Kevin — Submitted by Weston B.
Kobe — Submitted by Kaleb M.
Loup Gris
Midnight — Submitted by Collin R., Connor C., & Ethan F.
Neutron / Neptune

Nico — Submitted by Anya N., Gwen R., & Hayley N.
Orbit — Submitted by Francisco C., Grace G., & Stewart M.
Ouray — Submitted by Katherine W., Natalie F., & Nemali H.
Pluto Lupen Baileyi
Puffly — Submitted by Chloe M. & Faith L.
Rio — Submitted by Alejandro G., Basilio D, & Noah C.

Rocky or Breeze — Submitted by Ashley R., Issa W., & Sydney R.
Rusty — Submitted by Jamie Johnson
Rusty — Submitted by Mia H. & Parker E.
Sasha / Conor — Submitted by Patrick J.
Scarlet — Submitted by Alyssa K.
Shelia — Submitted by Tiffany Hudgins
Shigoure — Submitted by Astraea B., Grace N. & Marigold K.
Shilo or Shelia — Submitted by Abby G. & Livy G.
Simba — Submitted by Alia S. & Bella C.

Snipps Fuzz Canivoria
Spike — Submitted by Grant S. & Nathan K.
Spirit — Submitted by Giavanna G.
Storm — Submitted by Robin V. & Spencer O.
Sucio Nieve
Survivor — Submitted by Drew S., Greer H., & Hannah G.
Timothy — Submitted by Owen Gee
White Fang — Submitted by Catie M., Esther R., & Mikaela B.
Wolfinson Lupuy the First
Wolfy — Submitted by Danielle H.
For the most recent Mexican Wolf Blue Range Reintroduction Project Monthly Update with information about these pups’ packs, click here.
** NOTE: Only the contestants’ for whom we received parental consent have their names and entries posted here.