Wolf News


In the News: Rally Calls for Release of More Mexican Gray Wolves

Community members and conservation groups met in front of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regional headquarters today to demand the release of more Mexican grey wolves.  The agency administers a controversial reintroduction program for the endangered species in the Gila Wilderness in eastern Arizona and western New Mexico.
Steven Capra, Executive Director of the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance, says a wolf population would be good for New Mexico.  He blames the lack of action on policy makers like Regional FWS Director Benjamin Tuggle.  “He is all about politics and hasn’t shown the courage and determination he needs to.  We have a congressional delegation that’s been mostly silent and now we have a Governor that completely opposes wolves in the wild.”
To read the full article and leave your comments, click here.
Action Needed!  The Fish and Wildlife Service needs to HEAR FROM YOU NOW!
The US Fish and Wildlife Service has had a de-facto freeze on new releases for over three years now and had only one initial release during the two years before that. Releasing only one new wolf in over five years while there are over 300 Mexican wolves in captivity, including breeding pairs and families, is not based on science-it is, as Steve Capra said, Director Tuggle playing politics with this highly endangered species. Click here to email Director Tuggle and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and tell them to end the freeze now.
You can also comment in support of more Mexican gray wolves in the wild on KUNM’s website-just click here.
Coverage of this rally was also published on these sites
Albuquerque Journal — Albuquerque, NM
Las Cruces Sun — Las Cruces, NM
KPHO – Phoenix, AZ
Tucson News – Tucson, AZ
Yuma Sun — Yman, AZ
The Daily Times — Farmington, NM
San Antonio Express — San Antonio, TX
The Republic – Columbus, IN — NICE PHOTOS

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