Help Protect Wild Lobos’ Homelands
Imperiled Mexican gray wolves and other wildlife call the Gila National Forest home – they need your voice to protect them from poorly managed roads and motorized trails.
The wilderness that inspired Aldo Leopold’s land ethic and his wilderness ideal is threatened by motorized recreation. Off road vehicle advocates are pressuring the Forest Service to be able to drive all terrain vehicles along streams, in wild areas, and in the habitat of endangered species.
Please make time to speak out for wildlife in the Gila National Forest this month. The Gila has been under assault from off-road vehicles for decades, but finally, the Forest Service is taking steps to protect this national treasure.
Help protect the place that houses wild Mexican wolves by attending one or more meetings in January to help prevent the serious negative impacts of far too many roads.
A series of open houses will be held throughout January, giving you an opportunity to review and ask questions about the forest’s environmental impact statement for travel management. The Center for Biological Diversity will have a staff member at each meeting to share information and help you communicate with the Forest Service.
Drop in anytime during the hours listed below.
* Saturday, January 15, 2011, 10:00 to 4:00 PM
Grant County Convention Center, Silver City, NM
* Thursday, January 20, 2011, 3:00 to 7:00 PM
Catron County Fairgrounds, Reserve, NM
* Saturday, January 29, 2011, 10:00 to 4:00 PM
Hotel Encanto, Las Cruces, NM
The Greater Gila – the landscape that inspired America’s first wilderness – supports clean waters, wild forests and the Mexican gray wolf. We’re asking you to take a minute to support this precious wild place.
Please attend an open house or submit a written comment. If you cannot attend an open house, this Travel Management Planning Information document summarizes the information and material that will be on display at each open house.
Comments should be submitted before March 7, 2011, to:
Forest Supervisor
Attn: Travel Management
3005 E. Camino del Bosque
Silver City, NM 88061
Or via email:
Or FAX: 575 388-8222
More information about the Gila Forest Travel Management Plans is available here.
This alert was developed from information and content provided by the Center for Biological Diversity and WildEarth Guardians.