Happy Lobo New Year and Thank You!

As 2012 draws to a close, we are so grateful for all the support that has been given to help save these magnificent, critically endangered wolves!
Lobo supporters were extremely active in throughout the year! Thousands sent emails and called members of Congress and the White House to save the Fox Mountain Alpha female from being killed by Wildlife Services, thousands more letters were written to the Fish and Wildlife Service, Secretary of the Interior Salazar, and Editors all over the country in support of Mexican gray wolf recovery. And there were lots or other volunteers with their “boots on the ground” helping raise awareness and engage new supporters in activism through tabling, events and outreach!
So thank you one and all and please, please keep up the fight for Lobo.
If your New Year’s resolutions include helping Mexican gray wolves be restored to their natural role, you could start with a letter to US Fish and Wildlife Service Southwest Regional Director, Benjamin Tuggle, asking for more releases in 2013. And while you have your pen out, go ahead and write to USFWS Director, Dan Ashe, that a new science based recovery plan is way overdue and that you are counting on him to expedite the completion of a new plan in 2013.
To thank you for all you do, here are some of the wonderful videos of Mexican gray wolves that were produced over the past year – may they keep us all inspired in the year to come!
01/07/12 — 2:31
04/23/12 — 2:20
05/26/12 — 4:04
10/08/12 — 3:10
12/14/12 — 7:28
Here’s to a howling good New Year filled with success for Mexican gray wolves and all who advocate for their recovery!