Wolf News


Great Letters to the Editor from Lobo Advocates

Writing a letter to the editor is an excellent way to raise awareness about critically endangered Mexican gray wolves and the steps needed to help them thrive. Surveys of newspaper readers show that the letters page is among the most closely read parts of the paper. It’s also the page policy-makers look to as a barometer of public opinion.

We applaud these fine letter writers who are making a difference for endangered lobos!

We hope that these letters will motivate you to be a voice for wolves.  Your letters make a big difference in the effort to protect and recover Mexican wolves.

July 13, 2018 — Santa Fe New Mexican

I was saddened to hear of the killing of a Mexican wolf pup by a rancher, who hit it with a shovel because he was afraid (“Advocates want rancher’s forest permit pulled,” June 24). I imagine the young wolf was much more afraid of the rancher who trapped it.

If our state leaders wanted to, they could address the problem by gathering and sharing the best techniques nationwide for discouraging livestock predation, short of indiscriminately killing this species, so long in danger of vanishing. We should also have quick and generous compensation for ranchers who have confirmed livestock losses.

Wolf reintroduction in Yellowstone has proven that we need predators to keep down rodents, control deer populations, and improve grassland and watersheds. I want wolves in New Mexico, though I also support the needs of ranchers who don’t take the law into their own hands and kill predators needlessly. Let’s create a win-win on this issue.

Kitty Randall
Jemez Springs

July 14, 2018 — Santa Fe New Mexican
How can the willful harm (leading to the death) of an endangered species be properly penalized with a mere $2,300 fine (“Advocates want rancher’s forest permit pulled,” June 24)? The same year that welfare rancher Craig Thiessen took a shovel to a trapped juvenile wolf, he also collected $255,299 in government subsidies. Sounds to me like Thiessen gets to have his cake and eat it, too.

I am sick to death of listening to the ranching industry whine and complain about being forced to deal with predators. Every small business person in this state has to deal with one type of predator or another. How and why does the livestock industry merit such special benefits? A species once on the brink of extinction deserves so much more than this.

Cindy Roper



The letters to the editor page is one of the most widely read, influential parts of the newspaper. One letter from you can reach thousands of people and will also likely be read by decision-makers.

Here are some recent Lobo articles that needletters to the Editor.  Talking points and submission information is provided.

Santa Fe New Mexican – July 14, 2018

Santa Fe New Mexican – June 23, 2018

White Mountain Independent – June 22, 2018

Albuquerque Journal – June 21, 2018


Call the U.S. Forest Service, ask them to revoke the grazing permit of 
the wolf-killer Craig Thiessen.


Adam Mendonca, Supervisor of Gila National Forest

Talking Points
  • Public lands grazing permits are a privilege— not a right— and when permittees abuse the public trust by intentionally killing endangered species, they should lose those privileges.
  • The Forest Service has regulations that specifically allow it to penalize permittees for illegal actions such as these, and the agency should use its full authority here.
  • This is an egregious act of brutality against native wildlife on public lands. People who commit these kinds of crimes should not continue to benefit from the heavily-subsidized public lands grazing program.
  • Urge the Forest Service to include mandatory terms and conditions in annual grazing authorizations that will prevent conflict with wolves, including scheduling calving in supervised areas, avoiding pasturing livestock in denning and rendevous areas, and removing carcasses that habituate wolves to livestock as a food source.
  • The permittee intentionally trapped and brutally killed a wild born wolf the same year he took tens of thousands of dollars from the taxpayers to offset the expenses of ranching in wolf country. This is an unacceptable circumstance and he should lose his opportunity to benefit from such programs in the future.


Craig Thiessen has admitted he intentionally trapped an endangered Mexican gray wolf, then killed him with a shovel on public lands. We believe Thiessen should not be allowed the privilege to graze his cattle on public lands where wild wolves live, given his heinous crime.

We’ve asked the Forest Service to revoke Thiessen’s permit in a letter.

Your calls to ask for the same will help!

Call Gila National Forest Supervisor Adam Mendonca: 575-388-8304

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