Fish and Wildlife Service ‘Recovery Plan’ Will Drive Mexican Wolves to Extinction Flagstaff Meeting

Mexican gray wolves once roamed the Southwest and Mexico in the thousands, but today are the most endangered mammals in North America. The Trump administration has updated the Mexican wolf recovery plan and is seeking public input. Independent scientists have criticized the new plan, saying it sets inadequate targets, gives too much power to special interests, and may lead to extinction.
Come to the Public Meeting to Protest the Recovery Sham!
Flagstaff, AZ — Tuesday, July 18th, 6 – 9pm
NAU Campus, Prochnow Auditorium, South Knowles Dr.
We are calling on wolf advocates to attend a public meeting to show your support for Mexican wolves. Please wear your favorite wolf shirt or a bright green shirt in solidarity. There will also be a limited amount of free wolf T-shirts available at our ‘Wolf Den’ (see below).
Meeting Preparation at our ‘Wolf Den’ (one block away) — July 18th, 4 – 5:45pm
Pro-Wolf Rally to follow
Pro-Wolf Rally to follow
Flagstaff Friends Meetinghouse
402 South Beaver St.
Come early to prepare your comments. We will be available before the meeting to help you prepare your comments and to answer questions about the plan and the process. We will also have a limited amount of free wolf T-shirts available for people attending the meeting.
Need a ride or would like to help get people to the meeting?
Please fill out this carpool form if you plan to attend and need a ride, or can give a ride.
The Fish and Wildlife Service is holding three more public meetings to answer questions and accept written comments on their draft recovery plan for the Mexican gray wolf. Let’s pack all the meetings with wolf supporters to show them how worried we are about this flawed plan!
Fish and Wildlife Service Meeting Locations and Times
Flagstaff, AZ — Tuesday, July 18th, 6 – 9pm
NAU Campus, Prochnow Auditorium, South Knowles Dr.
Meeting Preparation at our ‘Wolf Den’ — July 18th, 4 – 5:45pm
Flagstaff Friends Meetinghouse
402 South Beaver St.
Pinetop, AZ — Wednesday, July 19th, 6 – 9pm
Hon-Dah Resort, Casino Banquet Hall, 777 AZ-260
Meeting Preparation at our ‘Wolf Den’ — July 19th, 4:15 – 5:45pm
Hon-Dah Resort, Suite #172
Truth or Consequences, NM — Thursday, July 20th, 6 – 9pm
Civic Center, Ralph Edwards Auditorium, 400 W 4th
Meeting Preparation at our ‘Wolf Den’ — July 20th, 3:30 – 5pm
Pro-Wolf Rally to follow
Pro-Wolf Rally to follow
Civic Center, 400 W 4th
Albuquerque, NM — Saturday, July 22nd, 2 – 5pm
Crowne Plaza, 1901 University Blvd NE
Meeting Preparation at our ‘Wolf Den’ — July 22nd, 11am – 12:45pm
Pro-Wolf Rally to follow
Pro-Wolf Rally to follow
Crowne Plaza, 1901 University Blvd NE
For more information and to view the Draft Mexican wolf Recovery Plan CLICK HERE.
View the Draft Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan HERE.
You can comment on the draft revised recovery plan and review related documents at www.regulations.gov. Enter the docket number FWS—R2—ES—2017—0036 in the search bar.
If you can’t make any of the meetings, please submit your comments to the Fish and Wildlife Service. CLICK HERE for information and talking points.