Wolf News


Event Update: Paseo del Lobo Relay Hike Heading North Out of Flagstaff

Path of the Wolf
The Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project – www.gcwolfrecovery.org  – is hosting Paseo del Lobo, a wolf advocacy relay hike, from July to October 2012.  The hike follows a natural dispersal corridor from the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area (where Mexican gray wolves currently live) to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon (where we are advocating for their return).

Paseo del Lobo started near Alpine, AZ on July 8, 2012.  The trail stretches 400 miles using U.S. Forest Service trails and roads, and a large portion of the Arizona Trail.  The hike is a “relay” for hikers and bicyclist and consists of 55 sections from 3.5 miles to just over 10 miles.  The hike will conclude at Mather Point in Grand Canyon National Park on October 13, 2012.  There will be a grand finale celebration in Flagstaff on October 20 to coincide with Wolf Awareness Week.

Each hiking group is provided with a detailed map of the trail section, overview maps of the area, GPS unit with trail track loaded, a first aid kit, satellite phone (for emergency uses), a digital camera, and hand-held video camera.  Organizers will meet hikers or bikers at the trail head each morning at 9 am (unless another start time is pre-arranged and confirmed) and volunteers will meet you at the end of the trail section each afternoon for a shuttle back to your personal vehicle at the trail head.

Time is running out to take part in this fun event!  The remaining hike days are scheduled for Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays through October 13.  If you have the gear and the time, you can do multiple back to back sections and camp overnight.  Click here for more information and registration and release forms.

Click here for the full map and timeline of the route of Paseo del Lobo

You can see photos and read  about the trail adventures to date here.

There are even more photos of Paseo del Lobo at Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project’s Facebook page.

You can help spread the word by printing off some flyers and passing them around.

Send an email to info@gcwolfrecovery.org or call (928) 202-1325 for more information about Paseo del Lobo and volunteer opportunities.

Photo credits:
Top – E. Nelson
Middle – C. Davis
Bottom – E. Nelson

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