Wolf News


Dozens of scientists joins forces to protect gray wolves …

Dozens of scientists joins forces to protect gray wolves of North America

Washington, D.C. (NNCNOW.com) — Nearly 30 scientists, who support federal protections for wolves, have sent a letter to Congress asking them to help keep those protections in place.
The scientists believe Congress is going to remove wolves from the endangered species list, and they are trying to block that.

They are specifically frustrated with the U.S. House because they say recent talks among representatives could take protection decisions out of federal hands and leave those decision for state lawmakers.

The scientists say the wolf population has not recovered sufficiently to be removed from protection.

“Large Majorities of people in the Great Lakes state, by 70-80-90 percent, want wolves conserved and protected,” Humane Society Predator Protection Manager, Wendy Keefover, said.

The scientists also noted that wolves are persecuted.

This article was published online at Northland News Center.

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Photo credit: Scott Denny

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