Arizona Legislature Targets Mexican gray wolves
If you live in Arizona, please contact your State Senator and ask him or her to vote no on SB 1392 and SB 1395. Click on Protect Wolves and other Endangered Species to send an email, or call the Capitol and ask to be connected to your senator’s office. If you’re outside the Phoenix area, you can call your legislators’ offices toll free at 1-800-352-8404. In the Phoenix area call (602) 926-3559 (Senate). It is always helpful to call, when you can, to establish a relationship with your legislators.
Ask your House Members to vote no HCM2002. Just click on Save Mexican gray wolves or call the Arizona House and ask to be connected to your two representatives’ offices. If you’re outside the Phoenix area, you can call your legislators’ offices toll free at 1-800-352-8404. In the Phoenix area call (602) 926-4221.
SB1392 Mexican gray wolf; interstate compact (Allen, Griffin, Melvin, et al) allows the governor to enter into an interstate compact on wolves, but is clearly intended to promote removal of the wolves from the Endangered Species list, and contains many weak and ambiguous provisions. Moving in this direction will ensure the second extinction in the wild of the Mexican gray wolf.
SB1395 endangered species act; interstate compact (Allen: Gould, Klein, et al) allows the governor to enter into an interstate compact on endangered species, but is clearly intended to undercut and supplant the Endangered Species Act. It would make it illegal for a government official to enforce federal laws or regulations relating to endangered species in the state of Arizona. It also contains many weak and ambiguous provisions. The strength of the ESA has always been its commitment to science. It helps to focus wildlife management and conservation on science with biologists and wildlife managers driving the recovery efforts, rather than politics.
HCM2002 remove gray wolf; endangered species (JP Weiers, Ash, Fann, et al) asks the U.S. Congress to act immediately to remove protections for these endangered wolves under the Endangered Species Act. It contains a great deal of inaccurate information about wolves and about wolf recovery.