Wolf News


Another Great Letter to the Editor!

Writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper is an excellent way to raise awareness about critically endangered Mexican gray wolves and the steps needed to help them thrive. Surveys of newspaper readers show that the letters page is among the most closely read parts of the paper. It’s also the page policy-makers look to as a barometer of public opinion. We applaud these fine letter writers, who are making a difference for endangered lobos!

Pearce-Gosar bill seeks gray wolves’ extinction

A study published last month showed that Earth is entering its sixth mass extinction. The fifth was nearly 65 million years ago and included the eradication of dinosaurs.

According to a World Wildlife Report in 2014, the Earth has lost 52 percent of its mammal, bird, fish, reptile and amphibian populations since 1970. Let that sink in for just a minute. The biodiversity of our planet has suffered such a significant loss in less than 50 years that over half of our wild vertebrate species are gone. That statistic should give you a start.

Apparently for politicians like Rep. Steve Pearce, R-Hobbs, and Rep. Paul Gosar, R-AZ, the only thing that statistic makes them think is, “That’s it? Better get a move on!”

That’s the only conclusion a logical person can come to regarding their views on wildlife and biodiversity after seeing the dreadful bill introduced by these representatives, H.R. 2910.

Despite the global, human-caused, mass extinction we are facing, these representatives seem bent on ensuring the extinction of the Mexican gray wolf, our native top carnivore. Statistics like these should be a wake-up call that we must do more to protect highly endangered animals like the Mexican gray wolf, not work to ensure their extinction.

Tricia Snyder
Las Cruces

This letter was published in the Las Cruces Sun.


Tips and talking points for writing your letter can be found HERE, but please write in your own words, from your own experience. Don’t try to include all of the points below. Your letter will be effective if you keep it brief and focus on a few key points.

Here are some recent articles and news sources that you can write your letters to.

Arizona Republic: Article Submit your letter here.

Santa Fe Reporter: Article Email your letter here.

Las Cruces Sun-News: Article email your letter here.


PLEASE ALSO CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS  and urge them not to cosponsor or vote for this bill or any similar bills or riders.

Contact info for your reps is available at this link just by clicking on your state:https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members

When you call, you can simply say something like:

As a constituent, I urge Representative X to oppose the “Mexican Wolf Transparency and Accountability Act” and any other legislation or riders that seek to undermine wolf recovery or the Endangered Species Act. Only about 109 Mexican gray wolves remain in the wild in the United States, making them highly endangered. I want my representative X to work for the greater protection of these wolves and to oppose efforts to push them closer to extinction.

Please be polite and thank whoever answers the phone.

Thank you for acting to prevent the extinction of our native Mexican gray wolves!


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