Action Alert: Game and Fish Commission considers rule to restrict predator hunting contests
April 11, 2019
Arizona Game and Fish Department
Game and Fish Commission considers rule to restrict predator hunting contests
Public comment period runs April 12 to May 12
PHOENIX — The Arizona Game and Fish Commission is proposing to adopt a rule that would prohibit using any lethal method of take during a hunting contest for predatory and fur-bearing animals, as defined under Arizona Revised Statutes 17-101.
In a public meeting March 15, the commission unanimously approved a Notice of Rulemaking Docket Opening and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (also posted at www.azgfd.gov/rulemaking).
The Notice will be published in the Arizona Administrative Register tomorrow (April 12), opening a 30-day comment period for the public to provide feedback. All public comments received from April 12 to May 12 will become part of the official record for this proposed rulemaking. There are two ways to submit comments:
* E-mail: rulemaking@azgfd.gov
* U.S. Mail:
Arizona Game and Fish Department
Attn.: Rules Section
5000 W. Carefree Highway
Phoenix, AZ 85086
Arizona Game and Fish Department
Attn.: Rules Section
5000 W. Carefree Highway
Phoenix, AZ 85086
All public comments will be evaluated before a Notice of Final Rulemaking is taken to the commission for its consideration. If approved, the final rule would be reviewed by the Governor’s Regulatory Review Council (GRCC).
The commission’s intent in adopting this rule is to address social concerns associated with hunting contests that award prizes to participants who kill the largest number or variety of predatory or fur-bearing animals.
The proposed rule would not apply to lawful, regulated hunting of predatory and fur-bearing animals, which plays an important role in wildlife management.
Thank you for taking action for Arizona’s wildlife.