Act now: Ask your Reps in Congress to join Congressional champions for wolves Grijalva and Fitzpatrick
Rep. Raul M. Grijalva (D-AZ) and Rep. Michael Fitzpatrick (R-PA) are asking colleagues in the House to sign on to their bi-partisan letter to Interior Secretary Sally Jewell opposing the proposal to remove Endangered Species Act protection from gray wolves in the lower 48 states.
If enough members of Congress sign the Grijalva-Fitzpatrick letter, it will send a strong message to Secretary Jewell that we must finish the job and fully restore wolves to the American landscape.
This letter is urgently needed to counter a recent letter from 75 members of Congress that supports removing protections for all wolves nationwide, even the 75 Mexican gray wolves hovering at the brink of extinction.
The deadline for your congressional representative to sign the letter is December 10. Please urge them to sign this letter and stand for conserving the nation’s wolves today.
It is particularly important that these democratic members of Congress, representing districts in the states where the Mexican wolf has been reintroduced, sign the letter:
Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-1): 202 225-3361 or in district Flagstaff 928 213 9977
Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (AZ-9): 202 225-9888 or in district 602 956-2285
Rep. Ben Lujan (NM-3): 202 225-6190 or in district Santa Fe 505 984-8950
If you do not live in their districts, please visit to find your representative and their contact info.
Only 68 members of congress have signed the letter asking that the wolves remain protected. Please call your representative today and ask them to take a stand for the wolves.
You can keep your call as simple as this script:
Hi, my name is _________ and I live in Rep. ________’s district. I’m calling to ask Rep. __________ to sign a bipartisan letter to Secretary Jewell opposing the delisting of gray wolves nationwide. Congressman Grijalva and Fitzpatrick’s offices are taking the lead on the letter. As you might know, an overwhelming number of folks in (state) support wolf recovery. It is very important to me that Rep. ___________ represent our interests by taking a stand to protect America’s wolves. Thank you.
If you are feeling shy, you can call after hours and leave it on voicemail. Then call 10 friends and ask them to do the same.
Mexican gray wolves are the most endangered subspecies of wolf in the world. They urgently need your help to oppose those who would see them stripped of protections. They also need supporters to address a federal proposal that would make two good changes and many more that threaten the lobo’s survival and recovery. You can help more by:
- Attending the hearing in Albuquerque, NM — details here
- Attending the hearing in Hon-Dah, AZ — details here
- Telling the US Fish and Wildlife Service that Mexican gray wolves are essential here.
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