Status Report on Coronado Pack from USFWS

Coronado alpha pair caring for the pups at Sevilleta Wolf Management Facility.
In mid-May, the Coronado alpha female (AF) 1126 and her four pups were transported from the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area to the Sevilleta Wolf Management Facility. Within several hours, AF1126 moved all four pups from a den-box to a natural den in the enclosure. Two days later, male Mexican wolf M1051 was introduced into the enclosure with AF1126 and her pups. M1051 is AF1126’s previous mate from 2013. After M1051 entered the enclosure with AF1126, the two wolves greeted each other and AF1126 quickly adjusted to having M1051 near the den area. For the next two weeks, the pups remained in the den. AF1126 was observed frequently entering the den to care for pups, while M1051 was observed patrolling the enclosure, resting near the den entrance and interacting with AF1126. On June 3rd, wolf project staff observed all four pups near the den entrance interacting with both adult wolves. The pups have also been observed investigating the enclosure with M1051. If this newly formed pack continues to do well, it is slated for translocation into the Gila Wilderness Area in New Mexico early this summer.

Photo Coronado M1051 with pup investigating enclosure.
(Photos Courtesy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
This update was posted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services Mexican Wolf Page.
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