Wolf News


Seven Year Old Speaks Out for Wolves

We are so proud of Kaya Hanson, a passionate young wolf supporter, who sent the letter and picture below to her Senator, Tom Udall (D-NM), to let him know how important the Mexican wolves are to her. Kaya also celebrated her 7th birthday this month.

As a birthday present for Kaya, and a 15th Anniversary gift for the lobos, will you join Kaya in reaching out to your members of Congress with a letter or phone call asking for their support for Mexican wolf recovery as well?

As Kaya already knows at just seven years old, critically endangered Mexican wolves need our help. If you live in New Mexico, please contact Senator Tom Udall.  If you live outside New Mexico, you can find contact information for your members of Congress https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members

Ask them to influence the US Fish and Wildlife Service to:

  • Release more wolves into the wild and make changes to allow new releases in New Mexico and throughout the recovery area rather than just in part of Arizona where they are currently allowed.
  • Move forward quickly with a new, science-based Recovery Plan to replace the outdated 1982 plan for Mexican wolves.
  • Continue and increase actions to proactively manage livestock to keep wolves in the wild instead of removing or killing them over livestock losses.

Please make your letter or phone call as personal and individual as Kaya’s letter. The most important message is that you care deeply about Mexican gray wolves and want them to succeed.

Senator Tom Udall
Phone numbers:
Albuquerque (505) 346-6791   Washington, DC (202) 224-6621
Email http://www.tomudall.senate.gov/?p=contact

Contact other members of Congress https://www.govtrack.us/congress/membershttps://www.govtrack.us/congress/members

If you live outside the U.S., you can still contact US Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe with the same request.

We are grateful to Kaya and to you for taking the time to reach out on behalf of these important animals who cannot speak for themselves!


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