Action: Give wolves a voice at AZ Game and Fish Commission Meeting!
This summer, without giving an opportunity for public input on their decision, the Arizona Game and Fish Commission voted unanimously to ban releases of adult wolves from captivity, even though new releases are desperately needed to improve the declining genetic health of the wild lobo population. Unfortunately, this is just the latest in a long series of actions by the Commission and Department to undermine Mexican wolf recovery.
5000 W. Carefree Highway
Phoenix, Arizona
Members of the public may also participate in the meeting from any one of the Department’s six Regional Offices via video teleconference.
Even if you don’t wish to speak, you can help just by being there and filling out a blue card saying that you support Mexican gray wolf recovery.
The Arizona Game and Fish Commission has advocated for loosening restrictions on killing wolves. It has sent letters to Congress urging that Mexican gray wolves be stripped of their Endangered Species Act Protections. During the period in which the agency had the most control over the lobo’s reintroduction, the wild population declined to only 42 wolves and two breeding pairs.
Our lobos can’t speak for themselves against state persecution. They need all of us to do it for them.
You can also help by signing the petition asking AZ Game and Fish to stop obstructing wolf recovery.
Please spread the word.