2012 Mexican Wolf Conservation Stamp Available for Purchase

The New Mexico Wilderness Alliance (NMWA) is pleased to offer the limited edition 2012 Mexican Wolf Conservation Stamp.
The stamp pictured here is not a postage stamp, but the second in an annual series of framing-quality art prints offered to collectors. Titled “By Cover of Night,” by artist Catherine M. Howell of Iola, Texas, this piece measures 4.5 x 5.5 inches.
The Mexican gray wolf is the most endangered wolf in the world, with a total population of less than 60 in the wild.
The Mexican Wolf Conservation Stamp is a conservation project created by the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance. The concept is similar to the Duck Stamp sold by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, except no hunting will be related to the sale of the stamp. Instead, proceeds will be used for a the Mexican Wolf Conservation Stamp Fund, administered by NMWA and distributed to individuals and organizations working for Mexican gray wolf recovery.
The cost is $20 (+$2 for S/H) for this frame quality art print.
Sold exclusively through New Mexico Wilderness Alliance